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2nd Plenary Meeting, 3-4 of September

On the 3rd and 4th of September the Swiss representation of the LEAVES team hosted the second plenary meeting of the project in the University of Bern, Switzerland. Complying to all recommendations to avoid the spread of the coronavirus, 13 people participated physically in the meeting and colleagues from Psychiatric Department at the Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (Portugal) and DELA Natura- en levensverzekering N.V. (the Netherlands) joined via teleconference. The discussions in the meeting were centred around three topics: service model design, roadmap for technology development in the upcoming 6 months, and ethical procedures. The meeting also marks the release of the first prototype of the LEAVES service, which aims to demonstrate the main functionality of delivering an online intervention to support bereavement through a virtual coach. After the meeting was concluded, the project coordinator accompanied by other project members had a very pleasant and fruitful meeting with two members of the Dutch Embassy in Bern to discuss exploitation possibilities of the LEAVES service in Switzerland. We would like to thank the Swiss team for the hospitality and hope to see you all again soon!


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